Bullet points
Bullet points can be used to itemize procedures in an uncluttered way, to highlight key policies, and to summarize lengthy paragraphs into simple points from which readers can take action.
Paragraph Structures
Information may be grouped according to paragraph structures, usually consisting of at least three sentences, combined with the use of bullet points, spacing, and bold face, to break up the page visually, to create interest and reduce boredom in the reader, and to enhance readability.
Art work
Clip art may be used in compliance materials as a quick way to notify the reader of a topic. This also helps individuals who learn from visual cues.
Bold Face and Italics
Bold face and italics can be utilized to create structure and orient the reader to important compliance points, different sections, and information created for particular audiences, creating a resource that is easy to use.
Outline format
An outline format is a quick way to organize information with a lot of written paragraphs in a logical way that is predictable for the reader to follow, making the information easier to follow and scan.
Small cartoons, even consisting of stick figures, can communicate compliance points that should be achieved in a visual to an audience. Drawings with more life like features can convey more emotions than images without faces or very technical drawings generated by a computer. Given that individuals have different learning styles, it is important to use a combination of styles to communicate the same ideas, particularly in high risk areas or areas that have been previously found to be deficient by government auditors.
Spacing is a quick way to organize information for compliance professionals. Monolithic columns of writing without breaks with spaces are more difficult to read, as well as more difficult to navigate in terms of finding the information needed.
Outline format
An outline format is a quick way to organize information with a lot of written paragraphs in a logical way that is predictable for the reader to follow, making the information easier to follow and scan.
For visual learners, diagrams may be particularly helpful to show the steps within a procedure related to their job. Diagrams are also very helpful to diagram the entire compliance program related to risk areas to ensure that the steps are logical. Further, diagrams help explain the overall structure of a compliance program and its components to government and accreditation auditors, as well as to new hires.